The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #328

By: Roger A. Stolley

A Nation divided cannot stand.

If the presidential election of 2000 has taught us anything,
it is that the public school system is a failure in this Nation.
It does not properly teach history, world history,
American history, or constitutional law.
It does not teach the difference between a Marxist society,
a socialist/communist society controlled at the Federal level
and a constitutional republic where individuals have rights
and the Federal Government is limited in its power.

The Democractic Party of American
might as well be called the Communist Party of America
for the social programs it advocates.

The General Welfare Clause of the Federal Constitution
was never a grant of power
to the Federal Government to do anything it chose to do.

It was only an introductory statement
saying that the following inumerated powers
were granted to the Federal Government for the general welfare
and then it listed them:
postal roads and installations,
U.S. Government court houses,
governing of territories,
and regulation of interstate commerce.

All powers not specifically delegated to the Federal Government
were reserved to the States and People respectively
per the 9th & 10th Amendments.

In any instance where there was a controversy
between the basic federal constitution and the Bill of Rights,
the Bill of Rights must prevail.

Such an example is the 2nd amendment,
the right to bear and keep arms.
That is the People's Right
and the Federal Government has no constitutional authority
through the interstate commerce clause to regulate the sale of firearms to citizens.
It is their right to procure them.
The 1968 Gun Control Act is illegal by constitutional law.
It is not a constitutional amendment.
If the Right to Bear and keep arms is to be restricted,
it cannot be legally done by funny farm none law.
It must be a constitutional amendment.
The 1968 Gun Control Act is not a constitutional amendment.

George Washington's first Cabinet had no member for
or welfare,
because it was never meant by the Federal Constitution
for the Federal Government to legislate in those areas
except for the benefit of Federal employees.

What we have in Washington D.C. is an outlaw government.
Your neighbors and friends that are ignorant of the the law,
are a greater threat to you than any foreign power.
They would deprive you of your property or your wages
to support a Federal Marxist/socialist, communist government.
It is perfectly legal for the sovereign states to advocate social programs,
but not for the Federal Government.
The framers of the Federal Constitution were afraid
of having an all powerful central government
that would control all the aspects of their lives.
That is a Marxist government.
It is not a type of government that I or citizens like me want.

Citizens as myself are trying to stop a blood revolution in this nation.
But what happens when the law is not obeyed.
When the Federal Government murders innocent women and children
at Ruby Ridge and Waco under the guise of non-law
and the Gun Control Act, there is no justice.

When criminals in the Federal Government
follow policies to allow non-citizens to vote in elections,
there is fraud!

When Federal courts deny evidence being submitted
in trials, there is no law.

When juries are not allowed to view evidence,
then there are actually no trials.
They are only kangaro courts.
There is no justice.

When the people cannot have justice,
they then ask, "Why obey any law?"

There is a doctrine of using the police powers of the State
to maintain the stability of society.
When that power is abused,
the people will eventually rise up in rebellion
and quench their thurst for justice in blood.

It happened in the French revolution.
The Roman Empire was brought to its knees because of the abuse of justice.

Men and women of little honor and integrity
sit in the Congress of the United States as a whole.

Gun grabbers that take an oath to uphold and defend
the Federal Constitution on their first day of office,
and thereafter do everything to dismantle it and the Republic,
to destroy your freedom and property.

Men and women that are bought off by the corporations of the world.
Corporations that wish to control all the peoples of the world,
resources, and governments through the United Nations.
Corporations that wish to go singing to the bank
and stock market on the profits
they earn through their exemptions in the tax structure,
while the support of the government
is placed on the backs of the working person
without equal treatment under the law.

He or she that raises a weapon
to defend themselves in this corrupt government,
risk their property being taken and perhaps their life being taken.
The government killers are very good at their job
and have a long history of using deadly force
to stop truth and opposition.
The courts are being used to protect the public killers of the Federal government.

The American sheep are generally too dumb to know what is going on,
and will vote for the first handout they can get
with no regard to the property role of government.

The duty of the Federal government is to protect
the life, liberty, and property of it citizens.

If it takes from one citizen and gives to another it has failed in its duty.

If it says you must pay a fee to walk across the public lands, it has failed.
No where in the Federal Constitution does it grant the Federal Government
the right to own a national forest.

If it murders its citizens under the guise of non-law, it has failed.

If the People elect a socialist president, it has failed.

History repeats itself.
What makes the general public think
that his nation is exempt from history repeating itself,
here on this soil?
Are the liberals so nieve to think that war and blood revolution cannot come to America.

Revolution is a very terrible thing.

Killing and shooting are very terrible things.

Gun confiscation in this nation will start a revolution.

That gun confiscation from the Federal level must be stopped.

The illegal activities of the Federal Government must be stopped.

Citizens must be protected from government.

This"American Wisdom Series"pamphlet


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