The "American Wisdom Series"

Pamphlet 303


Government's License to Steal

In the Years 1787 & 1788

The United States Constitution was Written
and received Ratification from the States.

Article I
Section 2
Paragraph 3


Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States
which may be included within this Union,
according to their respective numbers,
which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons,
including those bound to service for a term of years,
and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons.

Section 8
Paragraph 1


The congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,
duties, imposts and excises,
to pay the debts and provide for the common defense,
and general welfare of the United States;

but all duties, imposts and excises
shall be uniform throughout the United States;

The only other reference to taxation in the original constitution is in

Section 9
Paragraph 4


No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid,
unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.


Paragraph 5

No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State.

This was the extent of permissible taxation under the United States Constitution
and it was sufficient
to pay for the very limited form of government
that our federal government was designed to be.

The Constitution further sets limits on the Federal Government and they are very restrictive.
It clearly defines what the Federal Government may do.

It also specifically states
that all other things are to be left to the States
and to the People.

In the Year 1913

The Constitution was amended


Amendment XVI


The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes,
from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States,
and without regard to any census or enumeration.

That Folks

has become a License to Steal!

This one paragraph,
added to the Constitution in 1913 to help pay for the First World War,
has been so abused since then that the above statement is true.

Our elected officials have discovered that if they pass legislation
to legally steal our money
they can use that same money
to reassure their re-election.

These are times that try men's souls.

During the first one hundred and twenty five years of our countries existence
we operated under Constitutional limitations with out any tax on our income.

During that time we paid off the Revolutionary War debt;
we fought and paid for the War of 1812;
we fought and paid for the Civil War...

All without a tax on individual citizen's income.

In 1913 we added the 16th Amendment to pay for the First World War;
that wouldn't have been too bad had they stopped taxing income after the war debt was paid,
but guess what!

The politicians learned that extra money coming in
allowed them to do many feel good meddle in our business type things.

They did it using the Great Depression and the Second world war as an excuse.

When I started working in 1958 my total taxes were less than 20 percent of my pay.

This included income tax, social security, gasoline tax, cigarette tax, personal head tax,
property tax, automobile registration; all Federal, State and Local taxes combined.

That wasn't really bad until politicians,
both Republican and Democrat,
discovered that they can take our money and use it to support many inefficient programs
that serve no purpose but to make the naive among us think we are getting something from government for free;

therefore winning votes they need to be re-elected to legislative seats that have become their career.
This will continue to escalate until they destroy our country.

In 1999 we are paying 45% of our income directly to government
our share of all business and corporate taxes on top of that.
(Note: For those who think business pays tax and should be taxed heavier;
forget it!
Business doesn't pay any tax that they can't pass right on to us,
no matter how many times your friendly neighborhood politician tells you he's socking it to them.)

Is it no wonder that mothers now have to work so that families can make ends meet.

We must Stand-up Now
and stop this Legislation
"Political Career Perpetuation"

Our Country and therefore
"We the People"
are being ruined by 535 Legislators in both Houses of Congress
who care more about re-election
then "Virtuous Representative Leadership"

The citizens of this once great country shrink from the responsibility of only voting for candidates who,
not only vow to uphold the Constitution,
but have the moral inclination to honor the vow.

All who stand-up now,
deserve the love and thanks of man and woman.

Don't take the Republicans and the Democrats abuse
of the Taxation Privilege they have given themselves Lightly!

Tyranny like hell,
is not easily conquered;
yet we love this consolation with us,
that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph.

What we attain too cheap,
we esteem too lightly:
it is dearness only that gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put proper price upon its goods;
and it would be strange indeed,
if so hard won an article,
as our original Constitution should be lightly rated.

Our government,
with an army to enforce her tyranny,
has declared that she has a right to take away an ever increasing percentage of our hard earned income.

If being bound in that manner,
is not inching us one step closer to slavery,
then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth?

Even the expression by our government is impious,
for so unlimited a power can belong only to God...

Our elected officials haven't been considering
Constitutional limitations when governing, since they've taken on the perceived right to steal what ever portion of our income they choose, to further their own interests.

I fear that "we the people" are becoming so accustomed
to turning over a large share on our income,
that many of us don't recognize the cumulative effect that is taking place.

Our younger generation of citizens think this is the norm;
they never saw Constitutionally limited government function as intended.

I Appeal to Those With Courage!

Quitting this class of rule,

I turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those
who are yet determined and will nobly stand the matter out:

I call not upon a few, but upon all:
not on this state or that state,
but on all people of every state;
stand up and help us;
lay your shoulder to the wheel:
better to have too many quitting the two major parties then too few,
when our ability to feed and cloth our family is at stake.

Think About the Future State
of Our Descendants!

Let it be told to the future world,
that in city and country enough of our number recognized our common danger;
which is government eventually taking so much of our income that it is no longer worth working,
came forth to meet and to repulse high taxation,
knowing that if we do nothing all will be lost.

It's Not Too Late!

Say not that it has gone too far,
there is no hope,
or that you don't recognize the problem;
turn out to challenge what has happened to our government.

Note: As I edit this pamphlet in 2019, I fear it is already too late. In my life time we have gone from running our country on no income tax to a large income tax, and we've reached a point whereby we are now $21,000,000,000,000.00 (Yes That's 21 Trillion$) in debt, due to our uncontrolled spending,  And can no longer afford to pay the interest on the debt each year without borrowing additional money. We will never get out of debt! We are BANKRUPT! We just haven't admitted it to the world yet.
PLEASE LOG UNTO AND READ > Live Link to=>The Hidden Dynasty  of the Economy

Turn out your tens of thousands;
throw not the burden of the day upon providence,
but "show your faith by your works" that God may bless you.

Pray for God's guidance and help but,
be sure,
God helps those who help themselves.

Note: I fear it is already

It matters not where you live,
or what rank of life you hold,
the evil or the blessing will reach you all.

The far and the near
the home countries and the back,
the rich and the poor will suffer or rejoice alike.

Join with me in the battle;
like me,
will you too,
remove yourself from Republican and Democratic Party illusion.

Run for office;
school board, local council, county office, state, etc.
we need to get our people into decision making positions.

Don't want to run;
you can still make a difference -
help pass out literature and man polls;

Our Descendants

Need Not be Ashamed!

The heart that acts not now,
may as well be dead:
the blood of his children will curse his lack of foresight,
as our country become more and more socialistic
at the expense of the working American citizen who is being forced to pay the bill.,
while he shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole,
and made them happy.

I love the man that can smile in trouble,
that can gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection.

It's the business of little minds to shrink;
but he whose heart is firm,
and whose conscience approves his conduct,
will pursue his principles unto death.

I Will Not be Silent!

My own line of reasoning is to myself as straight and clear as a ray of light.
Not all the treasures of this world,
so far as I believe,
could silence me while the country I enjoy,
and the limitations our Founding Fathers put on the government they formed are being eroded;
the right to have our Constitutional government protected,
by our elected official, is not too much to ask.

If those who take my hard earned dollars to waste
on programs that only create work for bureaucrats and
re-election for themselves bind me in all cases to their absolute will,
am I to suffer it?

What signifies it to me,
whether he who does it is a president,
a legislator,
a supreme court justice;
my fellow Pennsylvanian or not a Pennsylvanian:
whether it be done by an individual or an army of them?

I Fear Not!

Let them call me rebel,
and welcome,
they say I waste my vote,

I feel no concern from it;
but I should suffer the misery of devils,
were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to a party whose character is that of a tyrannical government.

I thank God that I fear not,
I see no real cause for fear.

I know our situation well,
and can see the way out of it.

By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect
of regaining control of our government;

by cowardice and submission, this sad choice of a variety of evils
---living in a country where we can no longer enjoy fruits of our own labor -
a future race to provide for,
whose fathers we shall doubt of.

Think About Our Current Situation With Open Mind!

Look into this picture and weep over it!
And if there yet remains one thoughtless wretch who believes it not,
let him suffer it unlamented.

Statement of Principles

We recognize and affirm the God-given dignity of the individual
and believe that the Declaration of Independence,
the Constitution of the United States of America,
and the Pennsylvania Declaration of Rights
most clearly articulate this basic principle.
To restore and preserve that fundamental human dignity,
we proclaim:

That every individual has a paramount right to life from conception until natural death and the government shall not infringe upon that right.

That the right of citizens to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and others shall not be questioned.

That the freedom to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of property and other assets is an inseparable extension of the individual's inalienable rights.

That the primary unit of society is the family (persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption) and it must be accorded all rights and responsibilities to direct care of its members, particularly in the areas of education, health care, discipline, and the upbringing of children without government interference.

That the United States of America is a sovereign nation and therefore must maintain control over its own affairs.

That guided by Divine Providence, our Founding Fathers established this nation on Judeo-Christian principles and therefore the right to the free exercise of religious beliefs is inviolate.

That our government is one of limited, delegated powers operating as a republic within the confines of the Constitution of the United States of America. The federal government derives its authority from its sovereign citizens and it is to be their servant, not their master.

...Preserve, Protect, and Defend

The Constitution

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