The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1944 Hebrews kc 8-1

We have thus seen by example and clear explanation from Paul that it is only those who believe,
only those who have faith and trust in Him, who shall enter into His rest.

Chapter four of Hebrews carries over from the previous chapter
where Paul had exhorted us to remain steadfast in the Word of God
and not go astray lest we become as the unbelievers in the wilderness who left their carcasses there
and did not enter into the promised land.

Editors note: I Corinthians 10:11&12 pretty much says it all!!! Read it and compare it to the above statement thinking about what it means real carefully!!!. Is it not ok just to say with your lips that you believe in Christ and then by your actions (works) follow after the ways of men and their church traditions?  Despite the fact that  many/most self proclaiming Christian preachers and ministers, who come in Christ's name, tell our people all they must do is believe without defining real belief.
Paul says we had better "take heed" and pay attention to, as in read and learn and understand, all those things that happened of old.

He also explained to us why Jesus Christ came to this earth
which was to pay the price as our sacrifice for sin and to destroy "death", the son of perdition.

Therefore, we must have confidence in Him and trust in Him thereby showing that we "believe" in Him.

You see, how can one say he or she believes in someone and His ways
and then go follow another and his ways.

To that end, we know that there was an appointed time, a generation of 40 years,
when our forefathers wandered in the wilderness during which time many came up short of entering into His rest.

Read  I Corinthians 10:11&12 again!!!!!!!
Paul says we had better "take heed" and pay attention to, as in read and learn and understand, all those things that happened of old.

In fact, God promised in His wrath that the unbelievers, the disobedient, would NOT enter into His rest.

Just so we all know, though He is a loving and compassionate Father,
don't treat Him like dirt and ignore His Word for it provokes Him, as it would you too!

Rather, let us show our love (fear, i.e. reverence) for Him
by trusting and relying on Him and doing the things He asks us to.

Boy, does that make Him proud (as in well pleased) and happy with His children.

Hebrews 4:1 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
Once again Paul makes reference to the fact that some of those who wandered in the wilderness
did fall short of His grace and did not enter into the promised land.

Many of us professing Christians fall in this same category!  Read  I Corinthians 10:11&12 again!!!!!!!
Paul says we had better "take heed" and pay attention to, as in read and learn and understand, all those things that happened of old.

To that end, the apostle has gone to great lengths to show us that the reason they did not enter into His rest
was because of their "unbelief", their lack of faith and trust in Him which translates into disobedience.

Therefore, he warns us, it is time to take heed and begin today,
while there is yet time [i.e., while it is still called today... and it is],
to love our Father by doing those things which He has spoken unto us...
and not harden our hearts as did our forefathers.

We have thus seen by example and clear explanation from Paul that it is only those who believe,
only those who have faith and trust in Him, who shall enter into His rest.

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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