The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1499 Obah 4-7

The "Wars" (World Wars I & II) and "Rumours of War" (Cold War) have NOW ended!

In conclusion, let us do some more "taking heed" and observe and see what Esau is up to these days now that we have "seen" his Cold War "struggle" with his brother Jacob pass into the annals of history as per the prophet Obadiah, the servant of Yahveh! (Note: the links to the following articles were active at the time this study was written but may not remain so for very long.)

Washington Post Editorial Roundup

The Associated Press
Wednesday, March 28, 2001; 1:21 p.m. EST

Here are excerpts from editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:

March 27

NRC Handelsblad, Rotterdam, Netherlands, on Mir's decent to earth:

The splash of the burning Mir wreckage into the sea brought an end to the Russian hegemony over man's exploration of space. Last Friday, the 140-ton craft successfully returned into the earth's atmosphere. The remains that didn't burn up are spread somewhere on the bottom of the South Pacific between Australia and South America.

Some 140 astronauts visited the station during its 15-year orbit. Last-ditch attempts to save it from destruction failed one after the other. Impoverished Russia simply couldn't foot the bill to maintain the Mir status symbol. The financial crunch was so serious that a rich American space tourist was ready to pay dlrs 20 million for a return ticket to the station. Its last years of existence were associated with malfunctions, blunders and doom.

Where is the "wisdom" of Teman? It must be GONE! Obadiah 1:8 "Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?" Those who have eyes to see should take note of the symbology in the fallen Mir spacecraft. You see, the word "Mir" in Russian means both "world" & "peace". Yes, the Iron Curtain and Esau's status as a "Superpower" have both fallen as the IRON mixed with "miry clay", and the once exalted Edom has now fallen into the sea, i.e. has become part of the SEA from which the new confederacy, the Beast of Revelation 13:1 (the NWO) rises, as in has risen.

Here is one more article from the WP Roundup.

March 26

Il Giorno, Milan, Italy, on the United States' relations with Russia:

It was Otto von Bismarck who noted that shifts in foreign policy often occur as a result of actions of bureaucrats before any formal declarations from government. For this very reason executive level decisions are more profound.

What of the relationship between Washington and Moscow? We should not give excessive attention to the cross fire concerning political spies that George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin are engaged in.

Much more emblematic, though, is the determination of the new American administration to build a new missile defense shield; condemnation of Russian arms sales to Iran; and, fierce opposition to concessions from the International Monetary Fund to Russia, following the intention to reduce funds allocated to Russia for the dismantling of nuclear weapons.

U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, speaking in Germany on missile defense, did not mention Russia and left the room before his Russian colleague spoke. Russia is no longer a formidable superpower. Bush would like Putin to resign himself to this.

Now let us check in and see what the former "Chief Prince of Meshech" (Ezek. 38:3)  has been up to recently. Remember it was Gorbachev, the former leader of "Roshe", who "marked" the end of the Cold War era and the fall of the Iron Curtain. Now it is Putin, whose name means "path", who charts their new course in the "sea". But take heed!

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Gorbachev gathers pals for a new world order

By Desmond O'Grady in Saint Vincent, Italy

Mikhail Gorbachev wants Malcolm Fraser to help him save the world.

When the former Soviet leader decided to set up a World Governance Forum, the former Australian prime minister was among the politicians he invited to join him.

A Gorbachev aide said there had been a positive response by telephone from Mr. Fraser, but he had been unable to attend the forum's inaugural meeting in the Italian alpine resort of St Vincent last week.

Mr. Gorbachev told the meeting that after World War I the League of Nations had been established, after World War II the United Nations, and, after the end of the Cold War, new structures were needed to govern globalization.

The "Wars" (World Wars I & II) and "Rumours of War" (Cold War) have NOW ended! And now "nation is rising along side nation (in the market place) and kingdom along side kingdom"! Yes, Jesus Christ said that globalization would follow the Wars and Rumours of (nuclear) Wars. And so it is we have "seen" that the vision, the prophecy of Obadiah 1, has come to pass. The confederacy of the Iron Curtain has fallen according as it is written in the Word of God and the star of the "PRIDE" of Esau has been cast into the Sea.

But "TAKE ye HEED" even as this current event article explains. There is yet another CONFEDERACY according to Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39 that shall rise to come against true Israel, America and the Christian nations of the world, and it shall be headed by the "Chief Prince of Meshech". Therefore if your faith has been increased and you have "SEEN" the vision of Obadiah, meaning you "have seen these things come to pass" which Christ foretold us of in Mat. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, then "KNOW that it is nigh, even at the doors". Mark 13:29-31 "So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. [30] Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. [31] Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." You can absolutely count on His Word coming to pass exactly as it is written.

Let us conclude the article:

The protests of the "people of Seattle" confirmed his analysis, he said.

Mr Gorbachev said his forum would be a political version of the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, which is confined mainly to businessmen and economists.

Those present included the former Polish leader General Wojciech Jaruzelski and the former Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti.

"We're not returned [political] soldiers," Mr. Andreotti said, "but experienced politicians who realize existing international institutions cannot handle new problems."

Representatives of the Italian and European parliaments attended, and Mr. Gorbachev announced support from figures such as Jacques Delors, the former European Union commissioner, Mario Soares, the former Portuguese president, and George Bush snr, the former US president.

The former US presidential candidate George McGovern, who is the US ambassador to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, described the forum as an "enormously important step forward in the history of the world", and Mr Gorbachev as one of the four greatest 20th-century politicians along with Mahatma Gandhi, Sun Yat-sen and Franklin Roosevelt.

Isn't it comforting to know that our Father has already revealed to us all "the steps forward in the history of the world"? Just think about how good He is to us? Without a doubt this is the most exciting time to live in the history of mankind for it is this generation of the fig tree, which was planted on May 15, 1948, that "shall see all these things come to pass", i.e. as Christ said in Mark 13:30 "Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done."

We hope you have enjoyed this study of the vision of Obadiah and we sincerely hope you have "seen" his vision and continue to keep watching current events as these things continue to come to pass. We now leave you with the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ:

Mark 13:23
But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

Mark 13:29
So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

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