The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1476 Hos kc 20-1

The Book of Hosea is a book of Good News!

It is a witness from our Father declaring the promise of redemption and salvation for His children and in specific the salvation of the 10 tribes comprising the House of Israel who today basically makeup the Christian nations of the free world led by America, the largest of those nations. And you know what? The time of that redemption draws ever so near, even this very day as the birth pangs of this generation of the fig tree grow stronger and stronger and closer together signaling the soon coming birth of a new age.

It should be comforting and reassuring to know and understand that our Father has a Plan of Salvation, ordained from before the foundation of this world (Eph. 1:4), and that plan includes a precise timeline for Israel's redemption. Yes, His people will find their way back home for as we read in our study of chapter 11, He will call them as a roaring Lion and "they will tremble from the west", i.e. come home (Hosea 11:10). But as we have learned over and over again, before that "call" is made at the sound of the last trump, the Assyrian (Satan) shall come as a rod of correction and overflow and take the world captive (spiritually), including the Christian nations.

There is also more Good News in this Book of Hosea, and that is that we have been given a choice, an opportunity to choose either the path of our rebellious forefathers who spiritually prostituted themselves by worshipping idols and following after men's religions, like the golden calves made by hands set up to worship Baal, the instead-of-God, or to follow the Word of God.

Don't you know O' Ephraim, that there is only One God and One Redeemer? So Wake up America and the free world! We are being given final warning that the "wind" is about to change as the "east wind" we shall read of in verse 15 in today's study is about to blow again! Therefore, remember and take to heed the hard learned lessons of our forefathers.

To that end our Father, through His servant Hosea (salvation), now gives us a final review of the facts so pay close attention as we start chapter 13 of Hosea tomorrow.

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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