The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #1181  ezek kc 61

"Along with knowledge of the truth comes responsibility."

Have you ever walked away from a great big meal
with that "stuffed" feeling after having eaten so much good food?

Of course you have.

Those are the meals we remember the most.

Well, that's about how I feel about the king of Babylon right now.
In the book of Ezekiel we've certainly been fed from the scroll
the foreknowledge that he is coming.

Well, knowledge can be a wonderful thing
and very satisfying indeed,
and if one has been given knowledge of the truth
and of the events of the future he should consider himself very blessed.

We have been given awesome intelligence reports in God's Word
and in this book of Ezekiel concerning the soon coming king of Babylon.

We know where he is right now (heaven), we know who he is (Satan), and we know who he will say he is when he comes (Jesus Christ). We know how he operates within the four hidden dynasties of Economics, Religion, Politics and Education. We know how he runs economies and trafficking of merchandise worldwide (example Tyre). We know how he profanes God's sanctuary and "pollutes" His Word with the idolatrous traditions of men (example Ishtar, Easter). We know how he corrupts governments with proud self-exalted dictators (Pharaoh) who make captives of their people and make covenants with God's people which they cannot keep. And we know how he deceives the multitudes with his lies and cover-ups of the truth.

along with all that knowledge of the truth comes a responsibility,
a very great responsibility.

You see, for the watchmen of this final generation
it is a matter of life and death,
even eternal life and eternal death,
not so much for the watchmen themselves,
but for their families and friends and their fellow countrymen.

Consider the following the scenario:

Imagine that you were in the army on the front line with the ground troops, and you were one of a select group of intelligence specialists who were highly trained in enemy tactics and in interpreting the movements and activities of the enemy as sure signs that they are getting ready to attack. So because of your special training you were assigned to "watch duty" to lookout for signs of an approaching enemy. All of your fellow soldiers in the camp and all of the commanding officers have knowingly or unknowingly placed their trust in you to "forewarn" them if you see signs of trouble.

Now suppose you were standing on your watch and you DID SEE signs that the enemy was approaching but you did nothing about it, and you failed to sound the alarm, and you failed to tell anyone in the camp that they were about to be slain. And so the enemy came and slew them all!  You're going to be in heap big trouble when the General finds out, aren't you? A quick court-martial and death by a firing squad is my guess.

On the other hand, suppose you were standing on your watch and you DID SEE signs that the enemy was approaching and you sounded the alarm and forewarned everyone you possibly could, but only a handful of them heeded your warning and put on their armor. And so the enemy came and slew all the rest of them. Surely you shall be decorated for your valiant efforts in trying to save your men.

Such is the subject of this 33rd chapter of Ezekiel.

Are you a watchman in this final generation?

Do you believe the Word of God
when He has declared time and again that He is going to send the king of Babylon
to slay with the sword (lies and deception)
whomsoever will not hear and take heed the warning?

Here's what the LORD has to say concerning the duties of His watchman:

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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